NABARD shall have not less than 51% of the shareholding of NABFINS and have taken the responsibility of ensuring professional management of the Company. NABFINS is governed by an independent Board of Directors with due representation of experts in microfinance, financial regulation and administration, banking, and rural development. The present Board of Directors consists of eleven directors including five independent directors complying with the fit and proper criteria for good corporate governance. They have wide, diverse, and rich experience in Social Banking, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation, Women Empowerment, Administration, Banking, Academics, etc. apart from having appropriate educational qualifications and personal achievements.

Chief Operating Officer

Deputy General Manager (Operations)

Chief Technology Officer

Chief Financial Officer & Sr. AGM – Finance


Company Secretary/Chief Compliance Officer

AGM – Admin Dept

AGM – HR & Training Dept

AGM – Insurance


AGM – Stressed Asset Management

AGM – Operations Dept

Chief Information Officer

Agm operations (East & North East region)

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) & AGM (Information and Cyber Security Cell)