The senior officers of NABFINS, including the Regional Managers of 23 regions and FRHs from Head Office and Top Management of the Company had a two days retreat at a serene and picturesque surroundings of Kolahalam Resort at Yeracaud, Tamilnadu on 2 and 3 May 2022. The retreat was organised to take review of the performance of the Company in the past Financial Year, plan and strategize for the current financial year and to discuss the implementation of the new regulatory norms issued by RBI.
The two retreat commenced on 2 May 2022 at 0930 AM with an inaugural address by Shri Jiji Mammen, MD. Followed by that a review and strategy plan of all Regions were presented. The senior officers from Head Office interacted with each RM and helped in fine tuning the strategies.
On 3 May 2022, the implementation of the new regulatory norms was discussed in detail. The nitty gritties of various norms were deliberated thread bare. Thereafter the Functional Heads of HO gave elaborated the priorities from their department point of view. Finally the retreat was over with the valedictory address from Managing Director.
A few photos of the retreat is given below: