NABFINS LIMITED commemorated 15 Foundation Day on 18 November 2023 marking the 14 year journey of the Company as a Micro Finance Institution. Originally incorporated as a subsidiary of NABARD christened Karnataka Agriculture Development Finance Company Limited in the year 1997, the structure of the Company underwent various changes and was recognized as an NBFC-MFI in the year 2015 and rechristened as NABFINS LIMITED in the year 2019.
Commemorating the journey of NABFINS as a Micro Finance Institution, the Foundation Day celebrations were conducted at NABARD Regional Office, Bangalore which was attended by many dignitaries associated with NABFINS as well as the microfinance sector at large. Eminent dignitaries like Padmashree Shri A P Fernandez ( First Chairman, NABFINS Ltd.), Shri S V Ranganath (Chairman, NABFINS Ltd.) , Shri T Ramesh (CGM, Karnataka RO and Nominee Director, NABFINS Ltd.) attended the programme.
The events of the day started with the inauguration of stalls exhibiting products by the members of SHGs/JLGs credit linked by NABFINS. 13 stalls portraying unique products from across three states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharastra were on display.
The formal events marking the Foundation Day Celebrations started with Dr Diwakar Hegde, Managing Director, NABFINS addressing the gathering. Thereafter, the NABFINS family was addressed by the Guests of Honour who emphasized the strengths of NABFINS and the privileged position it enjoys being a subsidiary of NABARD.
During the event, a short Corporate documentary showcasing the 14 year journey of NABFINS was releasedin the presence of the esteemed dignitaries.
As a mark of appreciation of the efforts of the field staff of NABFINS who are instrumental in the achievements and accomplishments of the organisation, the best performers were felicitated.
The formal events were followed by a gala of cultural programmes with the active participation of the staff of NABFINS Head Office.
Click here to view the Corporate Film:NABFINS Corporate Film