"NABFINS is an initiative of NABARD born out of serious concerns about the practices of NBFC MFIs in the mid-2000. Entrusted with the responsibility of promoting the microfinance sector besides scaling up SHG-Bank Linkage NABARD thought it fit to form a Micro Finance institution on a pilot basis with the objective of developing it as a model NBFC in the country which will facilitate setting up of benchmarks and standards for the MFI sector. In particular, NABFINS objective was to ensure that the various maladies found in the sector such as lack of transparency in accounting and disclosure, high transaction cost, lack of diversification in products, increased rates of interest, coercive collection practices, etc. are sought to be eliminated by establishing a fair and transparent Micro Finance Institution.” NABFINS provides microfinance and other financial services to the needy and disadvantaged sections of the society for securing their prosperity in rural, semi-urban, and urban areas. NABARD, an apex development, a financial institution in our country had pioneered the world’s largest microfinance movement called the SHG Bank Linkage program. NABFINS as a subsidiary of NABARD shall evolve into a model microfinance Institution to finance SHGs and JLGs and to set standards of governance among the MFIs, operate with exemplary levels of transparency, and extend its outreach to the needy, directly or through Business correspondents and Business Facilitators.

“NABFINS is an initiative of NABARD born out of serious concerns about the practices of NBFC MFIs in the mid-2000. Entrusted with the responsibility of promoting the microfinance sector besides scaling up SHG-Bank Linkage NABARD thought it fit to form a Micro Finance institution on a pilot basis with the objective of developing it as a model NBFC in the country which will facilitate setting up of benchmarks and standards for the MFI sector. In particular, NABFINS objective was to ensure that the various maladies found in the NBFC MFI sector such as lack of transparency in accounting and disclosure, high transaction cost, lack of diversification in products, increased rates of interest, coercive collection practices, etc. are sought to be eliminated by establishing a fair and transparent Micro Finance Institution.”

What are we ?


Provide credit

Leverage partnerships to deepen financial inclusion

Support community / people-based organisations

Micro Insurance Services

Loans to entrepreneurs

Empower and enrich the lives of the poor